?? ??? ???? International edition ??

?? ? ?? 13? ? ?? ‘???? ???’…?? ?? ?????

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???? ??, 〈??? ??? ??〉, 1960. ???? ??, 102.1 × 127.3 cm. Whitney Museum of American Art, New York; purchase with funds from the Friends of the Whitney Museum of American Art 60.54. ? null of Josephine Hopper/Licensed by SACK, Seoul. ??:??????? ??

?? ?? ???? ??(1882~1967)? ?? ??? ??? ??? ???. ?? ??? ???? ??? ? ???? ???. ?? ???? ??? ?? ?? ???????? ???? ?? ??????? ???(???19)?? ?? ???? ??? ????? ??? ???.

?????? ???? ?? ??? ?? 160? ?? ?? ?? 110? ?? ??? ???. ???????? 20??? ??????? ????? ??? ‘???? ??: ? ???’? ????. ?? ?? ?? ?????, ???? ??? ?? ??? ?? ? ?? ?? 13? ?(???? ?? 10? ? ??)? ???. ??? ?? ??? ??? ???? 19? ??????? ????.

● ?? ??? ??? ???

???? ??, 〈?????? ??〉, 1909. ??????, 60.2 × 73 cm. Whitney Museum of American Art,New York; Josephine N. Hopper Bequest 70.1173. ?2023 Heirs of Josephine Hopper/Licensed by SACK,Seoul. ??: ??????? ??

?? ??? ???????? ??????? ?? ????. ?? ?? ???? ?? ??? ??? ‘?? ?? ???’? ??? ?? ? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???? ????? ??? ????? ????. ??? ?????? “??? ??? ??? ?????, ?? ??? ?? ?? ? ??? ??? ???? ??”??? ????.

??? ?? ???? ???? ?? ??? ‘???? ??’? ??? ??? ‘??’, ‘??’, ‘?????’, ‘?????’, ‘??? ??’, ‘??? ?? ?’ ? ? 7? ???? ????. ? ???? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???.

1906~1910? ??? ?? ??? ????? ??? ? ?? ????. ???? ??? ?? ??? ???? ???? ?? ‘?? ??’? ?? ???? ? ? ??. ????? ?? ??? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? ?? ??? ????. ?? ? ?? ??? ??, ??? ? ?? ??? ???? ?? ??? ??.

???? ??, 〈??? ???〉, 1932. ???? ??,90.6 x 72.9 cm. Whitney Museum of American Art, NewYork; bequest of Carol Franc Buck 2022.98. ? 2023Heirs of Josephine Hopper/Licensed by SACK, Seoul. ??:??????? ??

??? ?? ??? ??? ‘??’??? ??? ?? ??? ????. ‘??? ???’(1932?)? ??????? ?? ?????. ? ??? ?????? ????? “???? ?? ?? ? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ??”??? ??.

???? ??, 〈?? ??, ???〉, 1914. ???? ??, 61.6 × 74.3 cm. Whitney Museum of American Art,New York; Josephine N. Hopper Bequest 70.1196. ?2023 Heirs of Josephine Hopper/Licensed by SACK,Seoul. ??: ??????? ??

‘?????’? ‘?????’ ??? ??? ??? ??? ???? ????. ??? ??? ?? ??, ?? ???? ??? ??? ??, ?? ??? ?? ??? ??? ?????? ??? ????. ??? ???? ??? ?? ‘?? 7?’(1948?), ‘??? ??? ??’(1960?) ?? ??? ???.

● ??? ??? ?? ??

???? ??, 〈?? ?? ??〉, 1961. ??? ??,101.9 × 152.9 cm. Whitney Museum of American Art,New York; 50th Anniversary Gift of Mr. and Mrs. AlbertHackett in honor of Edith and Lloyd Goodrich 84.31. ?2023 Heirs of Josephine Hopper/Licensed by SACK,Seoul. ??: ??????? ??

‘?? ??’(1928?), ‘??? ?’(1935?), ‘??? ??? ??’, ‘?? ?? ??’(1961?)? ??? ???? ??? ??? ??? ???? ????. ?? ?? ?? 160? ? ? ??? 57?, ???·???? 89?, ?? 14??? ??? ??? ?? ???. ?? ??? ?? ?? ??? ???? ??? ??? ??? ???.

‘?? ???? ???’? ?? ??. 1942 ?? 1942?. ??: ?? ?? kimmin@donga.com.

?? ??? ‘?? ???? ???’(1942?·?????? ??)? ?? ??? ???? ????, ?? ???? ??? ?? ??? ????. ???? ??? ? ??? ?? ‘??? ??? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??? ??? ?? ??? ???’??? ??, ???? ?? ??? ??? ???? ????? ? ? ??.

?? ??? ??? ?? ?? ??, 1925–36The Sanborn Hopper Archive at the Whitney Museum ofAmerican Art, Frances Mulhall Achilles Library andArchives, New York ; gift of the Arthayer R. SanbornHopper Collection Trust EJHA.0754–.0900. Photographsby Hudson Archival, courtesy the Whitney Museum ofAmerican Art. ??: ??????? ??.

??? ?????? “??????? ??? ??? ?? ?? ??? 4000? ?? ???? ??? ?”??? “?? ?? ?? ???, ??? ?? ??? ??? ?? ??? ???? ??? ????”? ???. ?? “??? ??? ??? ??? ? ?? ??? ? ?”??? ????.
??? 8? 20???. ?? ?? ???.

?? ?? kimmin@donga.com