?5??? ??? ?? 3?? ?? ????.
?? ???? ??? ??? ??? ?? ??? ????? ?? ? ???? ??? ???? ??? ?? ??? ??? ? ?? ? ??? ??? ???? ?????. ??? ??? ?? ??? ????.
??? ???? ?? ? ???? ?? ???? ??? ???? ?? ? ??? ??????. ?? ???? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???? ?? ?????.
?? ??? ??? ?? ????
??? ???? ??? ?? ???? ??? ?????.
???? ?? ???? ??? ??(???? ???)? ????? 2??? ?? ??? ???? ????
?? Cart? ??? ???? ??? ???? ??????. ??? ???? ?? Cart? ??? ??? ????.(19?3?) ??? ??? ???? Cart? ??? Rule 19? 2???? 2 ??? ????. 4?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??? ??? ????? 6?? ??? ???, ?? ??? ????? 4?? ??? ?????.
?? 19? 2?
19 - 2. ???, ?? ? ???, ?? ?? ???? ?? ?? (By Player, Partner, Caddie or Equipment)
a. ?? ???
???? ?? ??? ? ??, ?? ? ???, ??? ??? ??? ???? ?? ??? ???? ?? ?? ? ?? ??.
b. ???? ???
???? ?? ??? ? ??, ?? ? ???, ??? ??? ??? ???? ?? ??? ???? ?? ?? ???? 2??? ??? ?? ?? ?? ??? ?? ??. ??? ?? ???? ?? ? ???? ?? ??? ???? ??? ??? ?? ??? ??? ?? ????? ?? ??? ? ? ??? ?? ?? ??? ??? ?? ?? ? ???? ?????? ?? ???? ????? ??? ??.
?? : ??? ? - ?20? 2a ??
(???? ?? ? ???? ??? ??? ??? ?? ??? ??? ??? ?? ? ?? - ?1? 2 ??).
?? ??? ?????. ??? ???? ?? ??? ???? ???? ?? ??? ?? ?? ??? ??? ?? ????? ?????
????? ??, ??? ?? ???? ???? ??? ????? ???? ?? ?? ??? ????? ???? ??? ?????. (?? Decision 19/1??) ????? ??? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?? 19?2?? ?????.
?? ???? ??? ???? ?? ??? ????? ???? ???? ??? ???? ???? 19?2?? ?????.
Decision 19/1
19/1 Ball Deflected or Stopped by Golf Cart Shared by Two Players
Under the Definition of "Equipment," equipment includes a golf cart, whether or not motorized. If two players share a golf cart, the cart and everything in it are deemed to be the equipment of the player whose ball is involved; except that, when the cart is being moved by one of the players, the cart and everything in it are deemed to be that player’s equipment.
Thus, for example, in a singles match, if A and B are sharing a cart and A’s ball in motion is deflected or stopped by the cart, A loses the hole (Rule 19-2a) unless the cart is being driven or pulled by B when the incident occurs. If B is driving or pulling the cart, there is no penalty, and A would have the option of playing his ball as it lies or replaying the stroke (Rule 19-3).