?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? ?? ????. ???? ??? ??? ???? ??? ???. ?????? ??? ???? ??? ?? ?? ? ? ????. ?? ?? ??? ???? ?????.
?? ?? ?? ?? ???? ?? ???? ??? sideway? ???? ??? Rule 24? 2b? ?? ??? ???? ???? ???? swing?? ?????. ?? ?????? ??? ??? 24? 2b? ?? ??? ?? ? ????. drop? ?? ??? ???? Green ??? ???? ??? ??? ???? ?????. ? ?? ??? ???? ??? ??? ?? Decision 24-2b/9.5? ??? ????? ????.
24-2b/9.5 After Relief Taken from Obstruction for Stroke Towards Green, Obstruction Interferes with Stance for Necessary Sideways Stroke
Q. With regard to the illustration above, Point X is the original position of the ball and Point A is the nearest point of relief from the obstruction (cart path). The player drops his ball within one club-length of Point A (within the shaded area) and it comes to rest on the cart path at Point B. He re-drops as required by Rule 20-2c, again dropping within one club-length of Point A and the ball comes to rest at Point C.
At Point C there is no interference by the cart path for a stroke towards the green. However, the player cannot play towards the green from Point C because of intervention by the tree. His only reasonable stroke is sideways to the fairway, and his stance for such a stroke would be on the cart path. Is the player now required to place the ball as near as possible to the spot where it first struck the ground when re-dropped under the penultimate paragraph of Rule 20-2c?
A. No. The player is not entitled to place the ball because at Point C there is no interference by the cart path for a stroke towards the green, the intended direction of play when relief was taken. However, as a result of the tree, the player has a new situation. He is entitled to take relief under Rule 24-2b(i) for the sideways stroke since this is not an unnecessarily abnormal direction of play : see Exception under Rule 24-2b : and his nearest point of relief would be Point D. After the ball is dropped within one club-length of Point D (within the shaded area) and it comes to rest at Point E, the player may play in any direction he wishes.